一家紀念李小龍(Bruce Lee)的博物館可能會首先出現在──西雅圖(Seattle),而不是香港。
City officials, according to local reports, recently put forth a proposal to examine the possibility of a museum dedicated to the martial-arts star. The Bruce Lee Foundation, which is headed by his daughter Shannon, has developed a concept for what would be called the Bruce Lee Action Museum and envisions a building that would house memorabilia and personal items from his life.
據當地報道稱,西雅圖的官員最近提出了一項議案,以研究為這位武術明星建立博物館的可能性。由李小龍的女兒李香凝(Shannon Lee)管理的李小龍基金會提出了一個叫作「李小龍動作博物館」(Bruce Lee Action Museum)的概念,並構想了一座展覽紀念品和他生活中的私人物品的建築。
The latest plan calls for the museum to be located in Seattle's Chinatown International District, though before anything proceeds further, it's up to the foundation to put forth a more comprehensive proposal.
最新的一項計劃倡議將該博物館建在西雅圖的唐人街國際區(Chinatown International District),但在有任何進展之前,基金會首先要提出一項更全面的議案。
Mr. Lee lived in the Pacific Northwest in the 1950s and '60s. He's buried in Seattle's Lakeview Cemetery, next to his son Brandon.
20世紀50年代至60年代,李小龍住在太平洋西北岸。他的長眠之所是西雅圖的湖景鎮公墓(Lakeview Cemetery),邊上就是他的兒子李國豪(Brandon Lee)。
According to Ms. Lee, the foundation has begun a campaign to raise $10 million to secure the property and begin drawing up the designs, though she added that the 'museum of our dreams' will cost much more.
While it'll be years before the Seattle proposal comes to fruition, it was long expected that such a museum would also be built in the late star's former residence in Hong Kong's Kowloon Tong district. The Hong Kong museum is now unlikely, since the current owner of the property and the Hong Kong government could never agree on the plan. Mr. Lee died in that house in 1973.
在西雅圖建立博物館的議案成為現實還有待時日,而長久以來,人們都認為這位已故明星在香港九龍塘區(Kowloon Tong district)的故居也應該建起這樣一座博物館。1973年,李小龍在這座房子中去世。目前香港的這座博物館還不太可能建立起來,因為現任房主和香港政府無法就此達成共識。
'There was always a plan for a museum in Seattle,' Ms. Lee said in an email. 'If the museum in Hong Kong had materialized, then it would have been in addition.'
Hong Kong intends to pay tribute in other ways. In October, its top politician, Chief Executive Donald Tsang, said in his annual policy address that the government would set up a gallery in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum to honor Mr. Lee. The city currently has a bronze statue of Lee along Kowloon's waterfront but has failed to satisfy long-time fans who say the star deserves so much more in the town where he did most of most of his cinematic work.
香港方面打算以其他方式向這位明星致敬。今年10月,香港特首曾蔭權(Donald Tsang)在年度施政報告中稱,香港政府將在香港文化博物館(Hong Kong Heritage Museum)中開設紀念李小龍的陳列館。目前在香港九龍(Kowloon)海濱有一座李小龍的銅像。但這並不能令他的鐵桿粉絲滿意,他們說,這位明星的絕大多數電影都是在這座城市拍攝的,他值得這座城市為他做出更多。